Studio for immediate Spaces, Sandberg Amsterdam (Momart Space Amsterdam)
28 juni — 3 juli 2014

It is only an hour s dri­ve away, if your car could go straight upwards.

The quote brought the fol­low­ing event back to my mem­o­ry. On a day dur­ing a hol­i­day in Spain I was sit­ting next to the dri­ver in a four­wheel dri­ve truck­like car, that was parked at the edge of a cliff. The moment my friend clutched the gear some­thing went (dif­fer­ent) wrong and we drove slow­ly back­wards over the edge, the cliff was steep but not too deep and the car fell straight down­wards, turned a quar­ter around and stopped upside down, stand­ing on its back­side with the nose point­ing towards the sky.

We sat like scarabs, buck­led to our seats, our arms and legs mov­ing use­less­ly. On the one hand we were fas­tened to our seats and unable to do some­thing, on the oth­er hand we were like a mis­sile to be launched. The sky we were look­ing at was an unlim­it­ed space.

The Sand­berg stu­dent finds him­self a bit in a sim­i­lar posi­tion, always stuck in a para­dox, between the mate­r­i­al ges­ture, all the lim­i­ta­tions of the mate­r­i­al and the vision with­out any restric­tion, the imag­i­na­tion, the idea pur sang’.

The title stems/​derives from the fol­low­ing quote:

Space isn’t remote at all. It’s only an hour’s dri­ve away if your car could go straight upwards.

This quote stem from Sir Fred Hoyle (19152001), a British astronomer and sci­ence fic­tion author. He reject­ed the idea of the Big Bang, he con­sid­ered the idea that the uni­verse had a begin­ning to be pseu­do sci­ence, as being argu­ments for a cre­ator, a God. for it’s an irra­tional process, and can’t be described in sci­en­tif­ic terms”. Instead, Hoyle began to argue for the uni­verse as being in a steady state” and for­mu­lat­ed the steady state the­o­ry, the the­o­ry that the uni­verse is eter­nal and main­tained by con­stant cre­ation of matter.

The Stu­dio For Imme­di­ate Spaces includes any space as a pos­si­ble place. This is too much.

Ewelina Niedziella
Annee Viken Maximiliaan Royakkers
Ryuta Sakaki
Elejan van der Velden