KABK The Hague
fall 2013

One day full of lectures: The road to hell is paved with good intentions - 27 November 2013

Lucia de Berk
Mar­cel Else­naar
Robert Horse­len­berg
Rico Sneller
Mar­i­an Markelo

Cura­tor: Hanne Hage­naars
Assis­tent: Hes­ke ten Cate
Graph­ic Design: Alyar Aynetchi and Mar­ius Schep­en
Sculp­tures: Char­lotte van Ursem
Ani­ma­tions: James Dolence

Lectures Scaffold, in collaboration with Stroom - 21 October 2013

Sam Durant
Pieter Spieren­burg

On the occa­sion of the open­ing of his art­work Scaf­fold in The Hague the Amer­i­can artist Sam Durant — togeth­er with crim­i­nol­o­gist Pieter Spieren­burg — will give a lec­ture at the KABK (Roy­al Acad­e­my of Art The Hague), as part of the Studi­um Gen­erale Pro­gram.

The oppo­site of love is not hate, but indif­fer­ence. Indif­fer­ence cre­ates evil. Hatred is evil itself. Indif­fer­ence is what allows evil to be strong, what gives it pow­er. - Elie Wiesel

The web­site of Sam Durant begins with this quote about evil and indif­fer­ence. These are themes that are inex­tri­ca­bly inter­wo­ven with­in the Amer­i­can artist Sam Duran­t’s work. Durant is a pro­fes­sion­al demon­stra­tor, spin doc­tor, and cam­paign leader who rep­re­sents young, old, black and white, man and woman. In the light of his work Scaf­fold Sam Durant will talk about the mean­ing of the gal­lows, his work and his ideas about impris­on­ment, soli­car­i­ty and death.

Sam Durant, Scaffold, 2013
Sam Durant, gallery show