The Fifth Season, Den Dolder
winter 2017

From jan­u­ary up and untill march 2017 stu­dents of the Ger­rit Rietveld Acad­e­my have worked at The Fifth Sea­son. They have been super­vised by Hanne Hage­naars en Vin­cent Zedelius while they explored the field of psy­chi­a­try. They fol­lowed tuto­ri­als and did research on the mean­ing of pho­tog­ra­phy in rela­tion to psychiatry.

The Rietveld Acad­e­my is a uni­ver­si­ty of applied sci­ences for Fine Arts and Design. By spe­cial­is­ing in Pho­tog­ra­phy at the Rietveld Acad­e­mie, stu­dents will be trained as an autonomous pho­tog­ra­ph­er. These are the stu­dents: Anna Lenar­tows­ka, Enri­co Garzaro, Maxi Pfeil, Olaf Roukens, Qianyun Zhang, Sophie Wurnig, Tobias Groot, Yusuf Zuc­chero and Zara Glaser.

At the end of March 2017, the stu­dents pre­sent­ed the work that they made at The Fifth Season.

Starting the morning at the fifth season
Presentation at Uncut, the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Presentation at Uncut, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Presentation at Den Dolder
Presentation at Den Dolder
Presentation at Den Dolder
Enrico Garzaro
Tobias Groot
Sophie Wurnig
Olaf Roukens