7 Frusen Glädjé
Empty Sweater

Hi Hanne.
Thanks for your email. Sounds like an inter­est­ing top­ic.
The two works you are refer­ring to are two col­lages I showed dur­ing my grad­u­a­tion show and the first one (in the pic­ture) is titled Emp­ty Sweater’ and the small­er work with the flip flops is titled Just Ignore Me”.
I have made a lot more work using the sil­hou­ette of t‑shirts/​hoodies/​shoes/​backpack and I find that due to this bod­i­ly con­nec­tion and bod­i­ly ref­er­ence, size and the dimen­sion of the piece becomes very, very impor­tant and the most imme­di­ate­ly evi­dent fea­ture, like does it fit me or a big­ger per­son, is it baby size or XXXXL?

I find imagery sur­round­ing clothes and mer­chan­dis­ing intrigu­ing, espe­cial­ly when there is no mod­el and the gar­ments are seem­ing­ly float­ing’
or per­haps inhab­it­ed by some ghost. Emp­ty clothes imply the pres­ence of a body, which allows the spec­ta­tor to as it were, step into’ the clothes, men­tal­ly.
Its tries to emu­late a kind of voodoo doll-log­ic I guess, push­ing a nee­dle through a doll to make some­one else­where feel it, or mak­ing a sweater col­lage and mak­ing a big hole in it.
This year in March I took part in a group exhi­bi­tion and I showed a work called Dead­stock’ which is a paper-col­lage of a boot/​shoe out of gum­my bear can­dies and a lot of bugs and insects sur­round­ing it. It has a strong visu­al and con­cep­tu­al con­nec­tion to the work Emp­ty Sweater’ so maybe it will be of inter­est for you. Dead­stock’ refers to whole­sale gar­ment sales but the word has this more dra­mat­ic sound to it, like dead-stock, dead cattle/​cow.
I think of dead­stock’ and emp­ty sweater’ to clos­est to the cat­e­go­ry of still life. It also has these swarms of bugs like emp­ty sweater’ I want­ed to push the ghost/​rotten aspect of it.
Last­ly the way I col­lage papers togeth­er is very akin to sewing. I tile the a4s togeth­er and stich them togeth­er with a con­tin­u­ous line of tape cre­at­ing a kind of seam run­ning across the entire image.
I hope my insights are of any val­ue .
Warm Greet­ings,

Max Glad­er